Sunday, April 11, 2010

La Semana Santa Increible part 2

Just a few more photos! Pat gets credit for taking most of these.

Carpets in progress on Calle del Arco. (A sawdust alfombra is closest, and one of pine needles behind.)

Garden of Eden alfombra complete with Adam and Eve Barbies in the bottom left corner!

That’s. All. Sawdust. WOW.

Still in progress with stencils and sawdust, 6:45am, Good Friday.

The Jesus float on Good Friday from a block and a half away. It’s tough to get through the crowd sometimes… This float will walk over all of the alfombras seen above at some point throughout the day. It left the church at 4am, and won’t return until 2am Saturday. Pat and I saw it again around 9pm, but the pictures didn’t turn out at night. One word to describe it at night? I’d say haunting.

1 comment:

  1. Jill - Your folks told us about this procession! Amazing! I hope you are doing well -take care of yourself and come home safely to Auntie Glo and Uncle Bob!
